I’m in the dormitory, being worried about money. I’ve already dug into dad’s cash, which I said I never would do. On the other hand, the only reason why I’m concerned is because I haven’t begun working yet, so I don’t feel as if I am earning.

I got shocked when I discovered that the values of certain things are off-kilter here. I went shopping in Albert, and most of the items there were 20 Kc or more. When I do the math, I think of how it relates to my income. Is it just because I’m not accustomed to the prices that I get so surprised?  I don’t think so—if I go to any shopping area in the Philippines, some things will be certainly more expensive. But now I’m concerned of how it affects me. I’m supposed to be independent here.

I think it’s simply because I am not budgeting properly, since I feel as if I have not bought all the necessities. But that’s all finished now, I think. I’ve covered everything already—toilet paper, food, etc.

Actually, food wasn’t really important, since I’ve got 30 Kc sandwiches available at any given hour in the dorm. I’m just wondering at the wisdom of my current purchases.

I just spent a fortune on strawberries.

On the plus side, I was able to give these strawberries to my AIESEC friends, and we made crepes/pancakes together.

Posted by:trishlalisan

Frequent flyer. Customer marketer. Social media monster. Third-culture kid. Filipino martial artist. WordPress.com fangirl.

2 replies on “Money Matters

  1. I’m wondering about the same things actually. My priorities are all screwed as well. Last month, I spent most of my money on hair products – expensive shampoo and conditioner, expensive hair serum, blow dryer, and outrageously expensive combs/brushes! My justification is better invest now so I won’t have to spend more later. -_-

    Btw, I enjoy reading your entries 😀 You write so well! (There, I’m feeding your vanity!)

    1. Thank you! Vanity-feeding is always a good way to inspire more writing. 😉 Haha!

      As for the money issue, I think your blow drier and combs ARE good investments. I read an article that said to invest only in good conditioner, though. No need for good shampoo, since it’s mainly for cleaning/cleansing purposes and gets washed away anyway.

      Note: Maybe you shouldn’t listen to me… Some of my strawberries went bad. :p

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